JPSHS Food in History Lu Yu the Classic of Tea Symbolism & Harmony Discussion
This two questions. To earn full credit, you must answer both completely, in essay form, following all standard expectations for a well-written essay (see guidelines below). Grading for each essay will take into consideration the writing quality, the clarity and originality of argument, and your ability to successfully deploy meaningful supporting evidence.
Due by midnight on Friday May 21, 2021. You must submit your typed response, in MS Word (.docx) format, using Canvas’s assignment submission button. Late work will not be accepted, and will result in a zero (F) score for the exam grade.
Question 1 Expected Length: 750-1000words (or longer)
What was the single most interesting primary document you read (other than the text(s) you selected for your Essay 2 assignment) in Ken Albala’s Food History Reader, and what made it interesting to you?
You must support your argument with specific quotations from the document you have chosen (and remember to always cite the page number!). You may also, if you find it helpful, refer to other documents, chapter introductions, header material, and/or lecture notes to support your argument. No outside research is permitted for this question.
[NOTE: For this question you must pick a document that you did not discuss in your Essay 2. I will cross-check your Essay 2 to confirm that you followed this direction.]
Question 2. Expected Length: 750-1000words (or longer)
What did you learn in this course?
You may take this question in any direction you like. I ask only that you be persuasive, use quoted evidence if you think it will support your points, and follow all the usual expectations for a well-written essay.
- Submit completed exam as one single MS Word document.
- Identify and separate your Question 1 response, and your Question 2 response, into two distinct essays within ONE single document.
- Each essay must be written to the best of your ability. You must copy-edit and proofread to eliminate errors of spelling, punctuation, grammar, formatting, etc.
- Use Times New Roman 12-point font, with standard margins.
- Single-space the header and titles. No separate title pages.
- Double-space the body of each essay. No extra space between paragraphs.
- Cite sources using in-text page references or footnotes (your choice
- I learned about ancient food around the world where they came from who or what made it. Some food being from ancient india , medieval Islam, and imperial China which are my favorites
To clarify: The Food History Reader is composed of 14 Parts, containing 90 primary documents (also called primary sources). The phrases “primary document” and “primary source” are interchangeable terms that historians use to refer to any original historical text written by someone in the past.A secondary reading means a piece of research-based writing, written by an historian or another expert, that examines the past historical record and provides historical context for the primary documents you are analyzing. It should be based on primary-source evidence. It may explicitly analyze or make reference to the very text(s) you are analyzing.